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Western Symphony Orchestra 2023 Spain Tour

Raised toward our $20,000 Goal
38 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on June 16, at 11:59 PM PDT
Project Owners

Thank You For the Support This Spring!

May 30, 2023

Thank you to our generous family, donors, and concert attendees for getting us this far!

After WWU Give Day 2023, we are closer to our goal than ever! Several hundred dollars in Give Day matching funds will still be applied and get us within about $1500 of our goal to support all Orchestra students in attending the once in a lifetime opportunity to perform and study in Spain with WWU.

If you didn't get a chance to make a donation as part of WWU Give Day so that your gift receives additional matching funds, it isn't too late!

You can help get us over the line to keep the trip affordable for Orchestra students today before the late Give-Day donation window closes.

Click Here to Support Symphony Orchestra as Part of WWU Give Day 2023 

Thank you for supporting student musicians and considering being a part of WWU Give Day to make an even bigger impact.

Thank you! 

Choose a giving level


Symphony Supporter

Every single dollar makes a difference to make the trip possible and affordable for students. This will get us a lot closer to being able to cover travel and lodging!


Section Superhero

Can cover domestic travel costs for a whole section of students



This would help us tremendously towards reaching our goal and reduce the cost of the trip to students.



This could cover the cost of the whole trip for a symphony orchestra student who can't afford it.

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