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Support WWU Supply Chain & OPS Students!

Participation Drive
40 Supporters
Towards goal of 100 Supporters
$1,860.00 Raised
Project has ended
Project ended on June 30, at 05:00 PM PDT
Project Owners

Two Days to Go!

June 29, 2016

Thanks again to all of our supporters and alumni who have participated and that are on The Wall! A special thanks to the family and friends of Austin Smith who created the amazing video for our first ever Crowd Funding effort (thanks Austin!). We will make one final push to see how close we can get to our Viking Funder goal, and I can report that our total "engagement" metric, the number of donors supporting MSCM/OPS over the past 12 months, will be a new record for this WWU fiscal year, which ends tomorrow night. Speaking for the faculty, staff and MSCM/OPS Advisory Board, we so appreciate every one of you!

Thanks MSCM/OPS Fans!

June 17, 2016

We have two weeks to go to meet our goal of engaging 100 donors in our quest to be the most engaged degree program on the WWU campus! Every dollar of support helps us improve and enhance these great degrees. Tell your friends and fellow alums to "get on the bus" with us! - Denny

Choose a giving level


Lean Donor

Helps fund transportation costs for students to go on facility tours.


Green Belt Donor

Sponsor an APICS meeting (APICS is the premier professional association for supply chain management transforming the way people do business).


Black Belt Donor

Funds paying support staff hired to recreate the MSCM/OPS digital and marketing footprint.


Master Black Belt Donor

Pays for a plane ticket to send a student to attend a national conference.


Champion Donor

Sponsor a CSCMP quarterly event. Help us put on a fair for all supply chain students to gain exposure to internships, jobs, and student resources available to them.

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